Saturday, March 29, 2025 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. CST

Virtual Via Zoom I Donation

Join us in community as we explore why releasing attachments to people, things, or experiences can be challenging, and how to re-awaken a sense of inner ease.

As we travel this journey we call life we are often greeted by people, things, or experiences that we place into one of two categories: I like this… OR I don’t like this… Within these categories we begin to develop a story of identity, a version of who we are and what our like or dislike of these things say about us. As we create this version of ourselves we can find it difficult to adjust when change is needed because of how we identify to or with the people, things, or experiences, co-creating our own limitation of choice.

I welcome you to join us to rediscover your “I AM” and the profound wisdom that can be found in freeing your identity to allow arrival of choice.