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Happy clients increase connection, community, and universal love.


“I always leave feeling like a new person. I am never more grounded and calm than I am after a practice with Shannon.”

— K.L.

“Shannon is such a kind and welcoming soul. Each yoga experience with her is so restorative and reminds me to be more present.”

— S. Smith

“Thank you for always offering a safe, warm and inviting space to heal, restore, relax and reflect. I am so grateful for you.”

— J.H.


“Before working with Shannon, my chronic pain and medical diagnoses had started to impact me in all areas of my life. I felt trapped, doomed, depressed, anxious. My physical symptoms became a lens through which I viewed everything.  I saw my physical body as the problem, the enemy. I couldn't understand why my body was "preventing me" from experiencing life the way I should. 

A year after initiating services with Shannon, I can honestly say that I am a different person. I am so much happier and more fulfilled overall. I have a different outlook on life. My diagnoses remain the same but my existence in life is different. I make medical decisions with a more grounded, centered approach that no longer sends my spinning into anxiety. I respond to my symptoms with kindness, patience, and curiosity about how I can support and nurture myself to have the best possible experience in this present moment. 

I am learning how to advocate for myself/my body without feeling shame or embarrassment. I will always have room to grow, but my life is so much better because of my work with Shannon. I see my body as a teammate rather than the enemy, and I have seen how this shift has positively impacted both my mental and physical health. 

I am so glad that I decided to reach out to Shannon. While I'm sure there are many excellent teachers/healers out there, I believe that she is the only one who could have really connected to me in this way.  There is something uniquely special about Shannon that cannot be described in words. She truly has a gift and I'm beyond grateful that our paths crossed. 

I leave my time with Shannon feeling like I am floating on a cloud, wrapped in a warm blanket, compassionate toward myself and others, peaceful and capable of anything that enters my path. What a wonderful and peaceful world it would be if every one of us had the chance to work with Shannon.”


Submit Your Testimonial

“My work with Shannon has been the foundation of my healing, and was the missing piece to make such great progress - mentally, emotionally and physically. Her amazing ability to offer just the support I need, guided me through breakthroughs and helped me develop a deep connection with my body (& self) like I never have had before. The experience has been transformative. I am so grateful for our work!
